Terms-Of Use

I. General conditions
Art. 1 These Terms of Service constitute a contract between you and “DIVA 691 LTD”, which entitles you to use the services of the Website free of charge for personal and non-commercial purposes, subject to the conditions below. These Terms and Conditions have binding effect on your relationship as a Site User and “DIVA 691 LTD”. You are required to familiarize yourself with them before using the site.
Article 2 By accessing (loading) the Website, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions and any subsequent changes thereto, and you agree to abide by them
Art. 2 a. 1 If you do not agree to all of the terms and conditions below, please do not use the “DIVA 691 LTD” website.
Art. 2 a. 2 Users are entitled to use the Website Services, hereinafter referred to as this “Site”, for personal / non-commercial purposes only. By posting / commenting in the forums, users agree to abide by the present and “DIVA 691 LTD” is not responsible for the views expressed by the users.

II. Basic concepts
Art. 3 For the purposes of these General Terms, the following terms are used with the following meaning:
Art. 3 a.1 “USER” means any person who uses any of the services on the “DIVA 691 LTD” website.
Article 3 a 2 Other terms and services of the site include:
.Access to web site information resources / data provided through a web browser;
. Participation in the site by commenting, evaluating or reporting on a moderator of previously published posts;
.Creation and customization of user profiles through registration, which gives access to the information resources of the archive of the site, as well as participation in the network of users on the web site of “DIVA 691 LTD”.
. Receive email newsletters from registered site users, if enabled.
. “PARTNER” is any person with whom “DIVA 691 LTD” is in a contractual relationship, which has the right to provide and receive additional information about its products / services to registered users of the site.
“THIRD PARTY Malicious Attacks” – acts or omissions of third parties that conflict with the rules of Internet ethics, including but not limited to DoS (Denial of Service), intrusion, deface, data theft and more.
“DIRECT MARKETING” – the provision of goods and services to Consumers by mail, telephone or other direct means, as well as consultation for the purpose of investigating the goods and services offered.
.Non-commercial purposes is a term that defines the use of the content of the site without breaching Chapter III of these Terms.

III. Copyright
Art. 4 All rights reserved. All intellectual property rights in the information resources and materials published on the site are subject to protection under the current Copyright and Related Rights Act. The unauthorized use of them constitutes an offense and entails civil administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the current Bulgarian legislation.
Art. 5 The materials on this site may not be used for printing on a web site, print edition, radio or audiovisual work. This is only possible under the written agreement with “DIVA 691 LTD” explicitly governs the regulated use of ctrlartfn.com content.
Art. 6 Using RSS Feeds. We call RSS feeds XML files that serve to automatically aggregate content from other sites whose address is specified in the meta information on each page of “DIVA 691 LTD” . They contain the title, author, picture and the first 500 (five hundred) characters of the article. They may be republished or aggregated on other sites without explicit permission. Any publication in a format other than a website (eg a public screen) requires written permission from “DIVA 691 LTD”. If other sites use the photo attached to the RSS feed, it must be accompanied by the title, the first 500 characters of the text and the author.

IV. Confidentiality
Art. 7 “DIVA 691 LTD” is committed to ensuring the privacy of information containing personal information provided by users online through completed registration applications, provided that such form is available on the site. Disclosure is only possible where the user has personally submitted the information in the public information fields of the registration form and on the Settings page, and where the information is required by state authorities or officials authorized by law to require and collect information containing personal data and when compliance with the statutory order.
Art. 8 “DIVA 691 LTD” only processes commonly available statistics for website traffic without collecting personal information from readers.
Art. 9 By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the User agrees to the terms of the site.
Art. 10 The site does not support a forum and has a policy of restricting comments in order to collect personal information.

V. Organizing responsibility
Art. 11 “DIVA 691 LTD” does its best to maintain accurate, accurate and up-to-date information on its site without excluding the possibility of incidental inconsistencies or omissions. “DIVA 691 LTD” is not responsible for the consequences, including any damages caused by or related in any way to the access, use or inability to use this site.
Art. 12 All information on the site is provided in accordance with the current Bulgarian legislation, without warranty from “DIVA 691 LTD” for its inviolability and security from malicious third party attacks.
Art. 13 “DIVA 691 LTD” is not responsible for the subjective perceptions and interpretation of the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the information resources on this site.
Art. 14 “DIVA 691 LTD” is not responsible for the information (including its completeness and accuracy) contained in the sites to which this site links.
Art. 15 “DIVA 691 LTD” is entitled to indemnification for all damages, costs and claims of third parties as a result of violation of these General Terms and / or unauthorized use of the Services on the site.

VI. Services requiring registration
Art. 16 “DIVA 691 LTD” reserves the right to provide access to certain services against compulsory registration. The services are:
Art. 16 a. 1 Access to articles in the ctrlartfn.com archives older than 2 months from the date of their publication in the respective online edition
Article 16 a. 2 Users have the opportunity to get paid full access to the sections of the site that require registration by email and password only if they create their own individual profile. Like “DIVA 691 LTD” does not collect and process their personal information.
Art. 17 “DIVA 691 LTD” reserves the right to decide whether to provide a profile / account / to the user, to remove or restrict user profiles that it deems unacceptable, and in case of reasonable suspicion of a breach of these Terms and Conditions.
Art. 18 Every 18 months from the date of registration of the user “DIVA 691 LTD” will remind the user to update their profile information.
Art. 19 “DIVA 691 LTD” reserves the right to suspend the provision of the above services by posting a message on the site.

VII. Changes
Art. 20 “DIVA 691 LTD” reserves the right to make changes to these Terms and Conditions at any time by posting these changes on the Site in good time, together with a notice of changes to the Terms and Conditions.
Art. 21 For all issues not settled by these General Terms and Conditions, the applicable Bulgarian legislation shall apply.
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